A Framework for Improving Travel Time Reliability


Transportation systems management and operations (TSM&O) strategies can improve travel time reliability, which yields both safety and economic benefits and improves road-user experience. To date, only a few transportation agencies have TSM&O programs to address travel time reliability, but a common understanding of the causes of unreliable travel times and the actions that can improve reliability have the potential to make TSM&O programs more widespread. To help move TSM&O into mainstream agency practice, A Framework for Improving Travel Time Reliability (SHRP 2 Project L17) created the L17 Knowledge Transfer System, a web-based tool designed to provide convenient one-stop access to the complete range of existing and new TSM&O information. The KTS tool will be available for public use in a few months.This tool integrates products from SHRP 2 Reliability research projects and other sources of TSM&O information, and it provides an umbrella structure for incorporating the many individual elements of TSM&O. The final report describes the creation of the L17 Knowledge Transfer System, research about TSM&O, and branding and communication strategies for the web tool.

TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Reliability Project L17 has released a has released a prepublication, non-edited version of a report titled A Framework for Improving Travel Time Reliability that describes the results of a project designed to identify and enhance the dissemination of transportation systems management and operations (TSM&O) information.

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Operations Area of Practice

    Communicating Reliability Information
    Cost / Benefit Analysis

Content Type


Role in Organization

Transportation Planner
Senior Engineer
Principal Engineer
Director / Program Manager
Senior Manager
Media / PIO

Publishing Organization

SHRP2 Program

Maturity Level of Program

Monitoring (L4)
Deployment (L3)
Assessment (L1)
Development (L2)


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Prime Contractor
Kittelson & Associates, Inc. (Parson Brinkerhoff, ICF International, & Cambridge Systematics, Inc)
John E. Zegeer,
Brandon Nevers, and
Wayne Kittelson
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