Congestion Pricing - A Primer: Effective Approaches to Streamlining Back Office Operations


While project managers for congestion pricing strategies and systems are focused on traffic management, technology, toll rates, and design, other critical issues related to operations, policy, and rapidly changing technology tend to arise. In this primer, these challenges are collectively referred to as “Back Office Issues” as they impact operations that are behind the scenes in the “back office.” The following eight such topic areas are discussed in detail in this primer: Policy Decisions Drive Business Rules, Interoperability, Back Office Efficiency, Enforcement, Data Analysis and Warehouse, Transparency, Privacy, and Private Sector Involvement. The primer also includes complete case studies for each topic area describing experiences of implementing agencies. The reader is encouraged to identify elements of the case studies that are similar to what his/her agency may be dealing with on local congestion pricing projects.

Operations Area of Practice

    Pricing / Toll Roads
    Active Traffic Management (ATM)
    Strategic Planning

Organizational Capability Element

    Project Development
    Traveler Information
    Active Traffic Management/Travel Demand Management/Pricing

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Myron Swisher
Cara O-Donnell
Jennifer Symoun
Julie Lambert
TOM Chapters
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