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Vehicle Mileage Fee Primer


This primer provides an overview of vehicle mileage fees and is structured to highlight:

  • Frequently asked questions about vehicle mileage fees
  • Long-term concerns with the current fuel tax system
  • The argument for vehicle mileage fees
  • Experiences with mileage fees and other road pricing strategies in the U.S. and abroad, including pilot studies in Oregon and the Puget Sound region of Washington and a national evaluation led by USDOT and the University of Iowa
  • Assessing , collecting, and enforcing vehicle mileage fees
  • Public policy questions (e.g. Do VMT fees replace or supplement the fuel tax? Should fees be compulsory or voluntary? How will revenue be distributed?)

Challenges to implementation, namely public acceptance barriers and concerns over privacy and data security, efficient spending of revenue collected, losing an incentive for fuel efficiency, and equity

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Operations Area of Practice

    Pricing / Toll Roads
    Active Traffic Management (ATM)
    Travel Demand Management
    Connected Vehicles
    Automated vehicles
    Data Acquisition, Support and Hosting
    System Performance Definition, Monitoring and Reporting

Organizational Capability Element

    Vehicle Systems/Connected Vehicles
    Active Traffic Management/Travel Demand Management/Pricing

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Texas A&M Transportation Institute
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