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SHRP-2 L08 Final Report – Appendices


This document is intended to provide guidance on using the FREEVAL-RL computational engine, which implements the Freeway Reliability Analysis methodology developed in SHRP 2 Project L08. FREEVAL-RL is a Microsoft Excel–based computational engine coded in the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) platform. The tool has a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to facilitate data entry and navigation through the tool. The core computational engine of the tool is an enhanced version of FREEVAL-2010, which is the computational engine for the freeway facilities methodology in Chapter 10 of the 2010 Highway Capacity Manual. Some modifications and enhancements to the core computational engine of FREEVAL-2010 have been made to make the tool and method ready for reliability analysis. These changes have been documented in a separate working paper.

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    SHRP2 Tools
    Data Acquisition, Support and Hosting
    Travel Demand Forecasting

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