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Publications Search Results

Software Tool

Project C10B SACOG tech memo 10–DaySimManual

This memo contains the following sections: • A summary of the structure of the DaySim05 simulation program • Summaries of the DaySim05 input and output files • Instructions for running the DaySim05 program. This memo does not describe how the DaySim05 executable program is implemented inside the

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Software Tool

Project C10B Start-up Guide for the Dynamic, Integrated Model System

This report provides information for users who wish to run the C10B integrated model. The model files to run the base scenario created for the C10B project for the Sacramento region can be downloaded from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) website. It should be noted that this does not rep

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Software Tool

Project C10B Dynamic, Integrated Model System: Sacramento Area Application

This report will be of interest to professionals who use travel demand and network assignment models as part of the transportation planning process. The goal of this research was to improve urban-scale modeling and network procedures to address operations or spot improvements that affect travel-t

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Software Tool

Project C10A and Project C10B Fact Sheet

Dynamic new model and software package allow for integration of activities, networks, and the environment resulting in more precise data to support informed decision making. This fact sheet provides an introduction to these tools.

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Background Material

Project C10B Project Brief

SHRP 2 has two projects (C10A: Partnership to Develop an Integrated, Advanced Travel Demand Model and a Finegrained, Time-Sensitive Network [Jacksonville, Florida]; and C10B: Partnership to Develop an Integrated Advanced Travel Demand Model with Mode Choice Capability and Fine-Grained, Time-Sensi

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Software Tool

C11 Reliability Technical Documentation

SHRP2-C11 Technical guide

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Software Tool

C11 Reliability User’s Guide

The Reliability Module is one of the economic analysis tools developed from SHRP 2 Project C11. It is a sketch planning corridor spreadsheet tool based on SHRP 2 Reliability Project L03 research that estimates the benefits of improving travel time reliability for use in benefit/cost analysis. Loc

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Background Material

C11 Amplified Work Plan

The document contains the work plan for Project C11: "Development of Improved Economic Analysis Tools Based on Recommendations from Project C03"

Related Artifacts: SHRP2-C11 Request for Proposals

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Project C11 Final Report

While the Transportation Project Impact Case Studies (T-PICS) screening tool developed in SHRP 2 Project C03 portrays the general range of economic impacts associated with various transportation projects, most agencies also move on to examine the specific changes in transportation conditions asso

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C11 Presentation

Adapting the Project L03 Methods for Sketch Planning: the C11 tool.

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