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Publications Search Results


St. Lawrence Seaway: Overview of Safety, Efficiency, Operational, and Environmental Issues

This report is the first in a series of two reports focused on identifying opportunities for application of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) technology – or equivalent – to address challenges and/or opportunities in the St. Lawrence Seaway. This paper summarizes current condition, challeng

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St. Lawrence Seaway: Potential Opportunities for the Application of Information and Communication Technologies

This report is the second in a series of two reports focused on identifying opportunities for application of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) technology – or equivalent – to address challenges and/or opportunities in the St. Lawrence Seaway. The first paper in this series summarized curren

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Iowa Automated Corridors Study

The Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) is conducting a planning study of the rural portions of the Interstate 80 corridor to best address safety and mobility needs of all freight and passenger travelers (Planning Study). This study is being conducted using the federally adopted Planning and

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Background Material

C04 Unabridged Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Demand Model Specifications and Estimation Results Chapter 3 provides a detailed technical discussion of the main focus of the C04 research project, the specification and estimation of new advanced forms of travel demand models that aim to substantially improve how road pricing and con

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Background Material

Project C04 Amplified Work Plan

The objective of this Project C04 is to develop mathematical descriptions of the full range of highway user behavioral responses to congestion, travel time reliability, and pricing. This Amplified Work Plan presents the approach to accomplishing the project's goals.

Related Artifacts:&n

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Interim Presentation to TEG

This interim presentation the the Project C04 TEG was held on January, 14, 2010, in Washington, DC. At this stage, the PB team recommended advanced behavioral travel models that incorporate congestion effects, pricing, and reliability.

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Project C04 Specification Slides

This presentation contains equations and graphs on estimating distance and income effects on value of time.

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C04 Presentation to SHRP2 Oversight Committee

An update on project C04 progress.

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Project C04 TEG Meeting Presentation (Mahmassani)

This presentation was held in Washington, DC on January 14, 2010. It is titled "Improving Our Understanding of How Congestion & Pricing Affect Travel Demand".

Related Artifacts: Project C04 TEG Meeting Presentation (Bradley), Project C04 TEG Meeting Presentation (Donnelly)

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Project C04 TEG Meeting Presentation (Donnelly)

This presentation, held at the Project C04 TEG Meeting in Washington, DC on January 14, 2010, discusses the project overview and objectives.

Related Artifacts: Project C04 TEG Meeting Presentation (Bradley), Project C04 TEG Meeting Presentation (Donnelly), Project C04 TEG

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