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Publications Search Results

Informational Product

CALTRANS Manuals: Engineering Services - Office of Special Funded Projects

OSFP Information and Procedures Guide

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CALTRANS Manuals: Engineering Services - Structure Construction

Bridge Deck Construction Manual Falsework Manual Foundation Manual Prestress Manual Trenching and Shoring Manual Bridge Construction Records and Procedures Manual, Volume I (6/30/15) Bridge Construction Records and Procedures Manual, Volume II (3/30/15)

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Informational Product

CALTRANS Manuals: Environmental

Standard Environmental Reference - includes    Guidelines for Preparation of the Preliminary Environmental Analysis Report.    Environmental Handbooks

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Informational Product

CALTRANS Manuals: Health and Safety

Safety Manual

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Informational Product

CALTRANS Manuals: Local Assistance

Procedures Manual LASR-Local Assistance Structure Representative Guidelines (provided by the Division of Construction) Local Agency Resident Engineer Construction Manual Supplement Manual for Quality Control and Quality Assurance for Asphalt Concrete Local Assistance Guidelines Sample Boiler

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Informational Product

CALTRANS Manuals: Maintenance

The Maintenance Manual all chapters of Volume 1 in PDF Format Chain Control Placement Chart (PDF) Log Of Bridges on State Highways

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Informational Product

CALTRANS Manuals: Project Management

Project Communication Handbook, 2nd ed., September 2007pdf Project Management Handbook, 5th ed., October 2007 pdf Project Risk Management Handbook, 2nd ed., May 2007 pdf Guide to the Project Delivery Workplan Standards, release 10.1, July 1, 2009 pdf - 799 kb)     Append

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Informational Product

CALTRANS Manuals: Right of Way and Land Surveys

Right of Way Manual Other Right of Way Publications Surveys Manual

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Informational Product

CALTRANS Manuals:Traffic Operations

Flagging Instruction Handbook California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD) HOV Guidelines Transportation Management Planning (TMP) Guidelines Transportation Permits Manual Encroachment Permits Manual

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Informational Product

CALTRANS Manuals: Transportation System Information

Highway Performance Monitoring System Manual and Workbook (PDF)

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