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Publications Search Results

Standards & Recommended Practices

Signal Timing Manual

The manual is a complete comprehensive guide of practices related to traffic signal timing for signalized intersections. Each element of signal timing is covered in the manual, from policy and funding to plan development, assessment, and maintenance. There is a focus on the use of detection,

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Best Practice

Best Practices in Regional, Multiagency Traffic Signal Operations Management

As part of Project 20-68A, Scan 07-04 was created to examine various organizational structures, institutional agreements and arrangements, and operational policies that are being used regionally throughout the United States to manage and operate traffic signal systems. This report is a summary of

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Standards & Recommended Practices

Operational and Institutional Agreements That Facilitate Regional Traffic Signal Operations

This synthesis highlights what leads to the success of Regional Traffic Signal Operations Programs (RTSOPs) across the United States. RSTOPs address the general mobility present in arterial street networks. Regions use RTSOPs to improve the flow of traffic from one area to another, with regard to

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Truck Size and Weight Frequently Asked Questions

This webpage contains various links to FAQ's about truck size and weight.

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Informational Product

Statewide Opportunities for Linking Planning and Operations: A Primer

This primer's goal is to raise awareness of the benefits and opportunities for coordinating planning and operations activities within State DOT's. To achieve this goal, the primer provides a plethora of information, including describing how planning and operations are relevant to each other, how

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Standards & Recommended Practices

The Collaborative Advantage: Realizing the Tangible Benefits of Regional Operations Collaboration

There are a multitude of benefits from participating in multi-agency collaborative efforts for regional transportation operations, including additional funding and resource accessibility, improvements in agency operations and productivity, and increased ability to meet mobility and safety goals.

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Standards & Recommended Practices

Getting More By Working Together-Opportunities for Linking Planning and Operations: A Reference Manual

This resource guide's purpose is to help planning and operations managers understand why working together is valuable, and further understand the benefits of pursuing management and operations strategies at the regional scale. The guide explains how existing relationships can be strengthened, and

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Standards & Recommended Practices

Regional Transportation Operations Collaboration and Coordination: A Primer for Working Together to Improve Transportation Safety, Reliability, and Security

The goal of this document is to aid managers and officials in constant collaboration with each other. It helps those professionals understand what regional collaboration entails, why it is important, and how to begin. It will also help previously established relationships improve their coordination
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Applying a Regional ITS Architecture to Support Planning for Operations: A Primer

This primer contains information and opportunities for incorporating the regional ITS architecture to enhance planning for operations. It focuses on the use of an objectives-driven, performance-based approach to planning for operations. The primer guides planners and operators through ways to inc

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