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Publications Search Results

State-of-the Practice

Synthesis of Active Traffic Management Experiences in Europe and the United States

This synthesis report describes both US and European techniques in Active Traffic Management (ATM). The primary focus of this synthesis is on European experience, which in some cases dates back a number of years. This report provides a compilation of lessons learned, experiences, operational resu

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State-of-the Practice

Efficient Use of Highway Capacity Summary Report to Congress

This report was developed to summarize the implementation of safety shoulders as travel lanes as a method to increase the efficient use of highway capacity. Its purpose is to provide a succinct overview of efforts to use left or right shoulder lanes as temporary or interim travel lanes. As part o

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Best Practice

Integrating Active Traffic and Travel Demand Management: A Holistic Approach to Congestion Management

The purpose of this primer is to introduce and define the ATM and TDM concepts and show the need for and benefits of integrating the concepts into efforts to address congestion on the most affected facilities. The primer provides a conceptual framework, originally suggested by the Dutch Ministry

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Bridge Formula Weights

With a few exceptions noted in this pamphlet, the Bridge Formula establishes the maximum weight any set of axles on a motor vehicle may carry on the Interstate highway system. This pamphlet describes the Bridge Formula, why it was established, and how it is used.
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Federal Size Regulations for Commercial Motor Vehicles

This pamphlet explains Federal length and width requirements for certain commercial motor vehicles and where these vehicles may operate. It paraphrases the regulations. In case of a dispute, the actual regulations govern. All dimensional units are given in metric and English values in accordance
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Systems Engineering for Intelligent Transportation Systems

This guide is intended to introduce you to systems engineering and provide a basic understanding of how it can be applied to planning, designing, and implementing intelligent transportation systems (ITS) projects. The guide leads you step by step through the project life cycle and describes the syst
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Developing Functional Requirements for ITS Projects

This document is one of a series of monographs that introduce systems engineering topics to transportation and transit engineers involved in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) projects.This monograph focuses on the development of functional requirements for ITS projects and is intended for

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A Guide to Configuration Management for Intelligent Transportation Systems

This monograph is one of a series intended to introduce the topic of systems engineering to managers and staff working on transportation systems projects, with particular emphasis on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) projects. Systems engineering is a discipline that has been used for over 5
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