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Publications Search Results


IDEA Program Presentation

This presentation provides an overview of the history and purpose of the IDEA programs. The main purpose of these programs is to foster innovation in transportation through start-up funding and support for promising concepts.

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Project L15A Final Report

In September 2010, the TRB’s Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis (IDEA) program and the Strategic Highway Research Program 2 (SHRP 2) jointly awarded Weris with the SHRP 2 L15(A) project “Provide Origin-to-Destination Travel Time Reliability Information on Google Map”. The purpose of this

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L15B Final Report

The initial IDEA proposal described the development of a mobile application to assist in management and communications during large events, such as events hosted at the National Mall. The concept was coined PRISM for PRoximity Information System for Mobility during special events. The PRISM team

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L15C Final Report

Incidents are estimated to cause somewhere between 52% and 58% of total delay experienced by motorists in all urban area population groups, according to the 2010 Urban Mobility Report. The delay estimates differ depending on where and what data are collected, and how delay caused by incidents is

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L15D Final Report

This project explores the use of commercially available consumer GPS data in travel reliability studies. Travel time reliability concerned in this study has two dimensions. The first dimension is the probability of completing a trip within a given time budget, the so-called on-time arrival probab

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FAQs / Benefits Brochure

L17 TSMO Press Release-Editorial

The draft editorial below gives you a framework to use for writing your own article for your local daily or weekly newspaper. It can also serve as a framework for public remarks. It is written as an educational editorial that can easily for tailored to resonate with your audience. Its purpose is

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FAQs / Benefits Brochure

L17 TSMO Talking Points

"Transportation Systems Management and Operations Talking Points" are for a nontransportation professional to use with a nontransportation audience. To create messages for peer-to-peer communication or a transportation decision maker, please refer to the Business Case Primer (see Related Artifact

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FAQs / Benefits Brochure

Project L31 Presentation Guide

This document is intended to be used by speakers who are preparing to deliver the PowerPoint presentation to state DOT CEOs, chief engineers, and/or members of the state DOT CEOs’ executive teams. The presentation is designed to be delivered within a 30-minute period and highlight not just the im

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Standards & Recommended Practices

Gap Filling Project #4: Standard Reporting

This Guidebook provides step-by-step procedures for designing and conducting empirically based (i.e., “observational”) before/after studies for operations strategies. While the focus is on operational strategies, the same procedures may be applied to any highway congestion mitigation strategies,

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FAQs / Benefits Brochure

L17 Factsheet for Implementers

Advances in technology and a better understanding of traffic congestion demonstrate the potential for Transportation Systems Management & Operations (TSM&O) solutions to make the most of existing roadway infrastructure to minimize delay and reduce congestion.

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