A Return on Investment Study of the Hampton Roads Safety Service Patrol Program


The purpose of Safety Service Patrol (SSP) programs is to help combat the effects of nonrecurring congestion on highways. SSPs aid in the clearing of incidents from roadways, as well as assisting state police with traffic control at crash scenes. This document is a summary of the benefit-cost study conducted with regard to the Hampton Roads SSP. To perform the study, an analysis of route geometrics, traffic characteristics, and incident data was conducted in the Hampton Roads area over the course of a year. These data were analyzed through a SSP evaluation model to obtain the benefits of the program. The research found that the total annual benefits of the Hampton Roads SSP (in terms of delay and fuel consumption) were approximately $11.1 million. The costs associated with patrolling the routes in the region were approximately $2.4 million: thus the savings generated by this program are nearly 5 times the expenditures it takes to run it. To understand the return on investment better, the study recommends that the Hampton Roads SSP conduct an annual review of its benefits versus costs. In addition, because the Hampton Roads region experiences heavy tourist/vacation traffic during the summer months (especially during the weekends), similar reviews should also be conducted on a seasonal basis to assess the fluctuations in costs and benefits that occur during different times of the year.

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Operations Area of Practice

    Freeway Management
    Real Time Traveler Information
    Interagency Agreements / Cooperation / MOUs
    Business Processes/Policies and Procedures
    Traffic Impact Assessment
    Data Acquisition, Support and Hosting
    Planning for Operations
    Cost / Benefit Analysis
    Decision Criteria for ITS Device Type and Location
    Work Zone Management
    Hazard Identification
    Road Weather Management
    Roadway Safety Services / Roadway Safety Patrol
    Traffic Incident Management
    Planned Special Events Traffic Management
    Emergency Transportation Operations
    Adaptation / Resiliency of the Transportation Network

Organizational Capability Element

    Freeway Operations
    Traffic Incident Management
    Emergency Transportation Operations
    Local government/MPO/RTPA cooperation
    Public safety agency collaboration

Role in Organization

Transportation Planner
Senior Engineer
Principal Engineer
Manager / First Line Supervisor
Director / Program Manager
CEO / GM / Commissioner
Senior Manager
Public Safety Officer
Associate Engineer

Publishing Organization

State DOTs

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