Real-Time Traveler Information Market Assessment White Paper


This report takes a broad, multimodal look at the real-time traveler information market in the U.S. One of the study’s key objectives was to identify gaps in current approaches, systems, partnering strategies, and technologies relative to the real-time traveler information marketplace across the modes of traffic, transit, parking, and freight/intermodal. The analysis also documents the institutional, technical, and cost issues associated with collecting real-time data from these modes; opportunities for closing the gaps; and utility of real-time data for uses beyond traveler information. The study includes a review of the state of the practice in:

  • Real-time data coverage – traffic on both state-owned and private sector systems, transit, parking, and freight
  • Data quality – which includes accuracy, timeliness, reliability, and granularity, has not traditionally been formally measured and published, and is need of standards development and data validation methods and processes
  • Usage – for traveler decision making and scheduling as well as internal improvement of systems operations and performance

Also examined are major trends and influences over the next 5 to 10 years on the collection, delivery, and partnership strategies within the real-time traveler information marketplace. Finally, data gaps that influence the real-time data market are identified: coverage gaps, gaps in data quality, gaps in promoting increased usage of real-time data—as well as cost estimates to fill them and roles for USDOT in helping to improve and develop standards, provide resources, facilitate research and development, and encourage partnerships.

Source Organization Location


Operations Area of Practice

    Corridor and Arterial Traffic Management
    Freeway Management
    Real Time Traveler Information
    Performance Management
    Standards and Specifications
    Interagency Agreements / Cooperation / MOUs
    Public-Private Partnerships (PPP)
    System Performance Definition, Monitoring and Reporting
    Road Weather Management
    Traffic Incident Management
    Emergency Transportation Operations
    Freight Management
    Freight Technology and Operations

Organizational Capability Element

    Standards and Interoperability
    Freeway Operations
    Freight Management Operations
    Traveler Information
    Traffic Incident Management
    Emergency Transportation Operations
    Road Weather Management
    Arterial Traffic Control Device Operations
    Local government/MPO/RTPA cooperation

Content Type

Informational Product

Role in Organization

Senior Engineer
Principal Engineer
Manager / First Line Supervisor
Director / Program Manager
CEO / GM / Commissioner
Senior Manager
Transit Professional
Media / PIO

Publishing Organization


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Prime Contractor
Booz Allen Hamilton and Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
Ram Kandarpa,
Jeff Sangillo,
Lisa Burgess, and
Alan Toppen
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