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Project L05 Final Report


The objective of SHRP 2 Reliability Project L05, Incorporating Reliability Performance Measures into the Transportation Planning and Programming Processes, is to provide guidance to transportation planning agencies on incorporating reliability into the transportation planning, programming, and budgeting processes. This final report summarizes this effort, providing a foundation of knowledge and research on which the products of this project were developed.

Chapter 2 of the final report reviews domestic and international literature describing current research and practical use of travel time reliability in transportation planning. Chapter 3 summarizes results from a survey of state departments of transportation (DOT) and metropolitan planning organizations (MPO) that uncovers the current state of the practice of using travel time reliability in transportation planning. Chapter 4 summarizes case studies of agencies that currently are working to incorporate reliability into their transportation planning processes. Chapter 5 summarizes the technical reference (travel time reliability performance measures, strategies for improving travel time reliability, and tools available for measuring the impacts strategies have on travel time reliability); and Chapter 6 describes the framework for incorporating reliability performance into the transportation planning process. Figure 1.1 shows the overall structure of the L05 research project and describes the linkages among its deliverables. The key deliverables of this project are (1) the guide, a brief, descriptive howto that explains how to incorporate reliability into the key steps in transportation planning and programming; and (2) the technical reference, a detailed how-to for estimating reliability.

The terms travel time reliability and reliability are used interchangeably in this report. The remainder of the introduction summarizes the findings from each of these efforts.

Operations Area of Practice

    Performance Management
    SHRP2 Tools
    Planning for Operations
    Simulation Analysis

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