The National Unified Goal for Traffic Incident Management (NUG) was developed under the direction of the National Traffic Incident Management Coalition (NTIMC) through a consensus process, and has been ratified by many regional and national organizations. The I-95 Corridor Coalition is a NTIMC Member and has ratified the NUG. To implement the NUG, State-Regional-Local TIM goal awareness and practice are keys to success. In support of this effort, this I-95 Corridor Coalition project hosted an interdisciplinary corridor-wide informational exchange forum (“NUG Summit”) to educate Member Agencies on the new NUG. The Forum included discussion of institutional issues amongst the various entities and recommended best practices for the resolution of those issues, memorialized in a Summit Report. Following the Summit, additional work was conducted to educate regional fire/police/emergency responder agencies and towing entities to propagate understanding of the new NUG including the Coalition’s Quick Clearance objectives.