The MnDOT Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) Implementation Strategies Reference is composed of the following strategy descriptions:
Strategy #1: Update Signal Timing and Coordination
Strategy #2: Increase MnDOT Usage of 3rd Party Data and Increase Sharing with Traveler Information Disseminators (e.g. Google, WAZE, INRIX, HERE)
Strategy #3: Develop Regional Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Programs
Strategy #4: Implement Low-Cost / High-Benefit Capital Improvements (CMSP)
Strategy #5: Coordinate Work Zones Across Jurisdictions and Routes
Strategy #6: Expand Snow Fence Use through Research and Increased Use
Strategy #7: Expand the Coverage of Freeway and Expressway Traffic Management Systems
Strategy #8: Develop Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Strategies for Work Zones
Strategy #9 Utilize Intelligent Work Zone Systems Where Appropriate
Strategy #10: Expand the Use of Ramp Metering
Strategy #11: Expand Use of Technology at Weigh Stations for Enforcement
Strategy #12: Increase TSMO Asset Life Cycle Understanding and Management
Strategy #13: Implement Signal Timing Updates for Construction Projects
Strategy #14: Provide Traveler Information on Alternative Modes and Routes
Strategy #15: Expand and Enhance the Deployment of Road Weather Information Systems
Strategy #16: Expand Consideration of Innovative Intersection Technology or Design (e.g. RICWS, roundabouts, RCIs, diverging diamonds, etc.)
Strategy #17: Expand Dynamic Message Sign (DMS) Use to Include Standard Weather Messages
Strategy #18: Improve Pedestrian and Bicycle Service at Signals
Strategy #19: Increase Real-time Tracking of Work Zones and Lane Closures for 511
Strategy #20: Upgrade Signal Controller and Communications Equipment for Communications to Central System
Strategy #21: Deploy Truck Parking Information for Rest Areas
Strategy #22: Develop and Implement Pre-planned Alternative Routes for Incidents
Strategy #23: Ensure New Signals are Connected Automated Vehicle (CAV) Ready
Strategy #24: Add Additional MnPASS Lanes in the Twin Cities Metro Area
Strategy #25: Provide Enhanced Enforcement Technology (Speed Enforcement, Red Light Running, MnPASS, etc.)
Strategy #26: Expand and Streamline Road Weather Data
Strategy #27: Utilize Alternate Route Signing for Work Zones
Strategy #28: Expand Dissemination of Travel Times (Work Zones and Geographic Expansion)
Strategy #29: Expand Sharing of Video and Data Between Agencies (Integrated Corridor Management) Strategy #30: Deploy Transit Signal Priority
Strategy #31: Address Bikes and Pedestrians in Construction Detours
Strategy #32: Improve Work Zone Data for CAV Readiness
Strategy #33: Prepare Systems to Obtain/Use Data from CAVs
Strategy #34: Encourage Work Flexibility for Travel Demand Management