This document represents one of three planning documents that comprise the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) Transportation System Management and Operations (TSMO) Plan. As illustrated in Figure 1, the MnDOT TSMO Strategic Plan defines overall direction of the program and the MnDOT TSMO Business Plan addresses the business process and organizational structure to successfully deliver TSMO strategies within Minnesota. As the Implementation Plan, this document provides a prioritized list of detailed TSMO strategies to implement that were identified through input gathered from MnDOT districts and offices through a series of outreach workshops. The list of strategies is intended to be used as MnDOT considers implementing operational improvements through a variety of funding sources. The strategies would compete for funding with other potential projects according to the specific prioritization and selection requirements of those funding programs.
This document includes:
1.0 Introduction
2.0 TSMO in Minnesota
3.0 Purpose of Implementation Plan
4.0 Process for Developing TSMO Strategies
5.0 Scoring TMSO Strategies
6.0 Prioritized TSMO Strategies
7.0 Prioritizing TSMO Deployment Sites and Corridors Appendix A – Stakeholder Input Appendix B – Prioritization Criteria, Weighting, and Scores Appendix C – Strategy Descriptions