Part 6 of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices focuses on temporary traffic control (TTC) and how TTC devices are applied in a variety of situations. Part 6 also highlights that all road users, including pedestrians, motorists, and bicyclists, are considered an essential part of highway construction, utility work, maintenance operations, and management of traffic incidents, and how TTC must accommodate for all types of road users. Furthermore, Part 6 of the MUTCD explores the elements and areas of TTC, pedestrian and worker safety, flagger control, TTC Zone devices and signs, type of TTC zone activities, and the control of traffic.
Operations Area of Practice
Access Management
Bicycles and Pedestrians
Active Traffic Management (ATM)
Data Acquisition, Support and Hosting
Decision Criteria for ITS Device Type and Location
Work Zone Management
Roadway Striping
Gravel Road Maintenance
Equipment Management
Roadway Lighting
Sign Maintenance and Replacement
Pothole Repair
Sidewalk and Trail Maintenance/Management
Complete Streets / Context Sensitive Solutions
Organizational Capability Element
System Architecture / Engineering
Standards and Interoperability
Traveler Information
Traffic Incident Management
Work Zone Management
Emergency Transportation Operations
Planned Special Event Management
Active Traffic Management/Travel Demand Management/Pricing
Content Type
Standards & Recommended Practices
Role in Organization
Transportation Planner
Manager / First Line Supervisor
Maintenance Staff
Public Safety Officer
Transit Professional
Associate Engineer
Publishing Organization