The workshop was held over one and a half days during which educators and practitioners learned what ITS training products are currently available, worked together to identify the ITS educational needs of their students, and developed strategies to meet those needs. Workshop attendees also participated in presentations, break‐out sessions, and interactive exercises designed to foster the exchange of information, ideas, and best practices in community college‐level ITS education and preparation of students for today’s workforce needs. Ms. Michelle Noch, Program Manager for Knowledge and Technology Transfer at ITS JPO, began the workshop by welcoming everyone, introducing the ITS JPO staff, and providing a brief overview of the ITS PCB Program. Welcoming remarks were also given by Egan Smith of the USDOT’s Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office, David St. Amant of ITS America, and Valerie Lefler of Transportation Tech. Workshop participants then introduced themselves, shared their involvement with ITS, and how they introduce their students to ITS. Following the introductions, Andy Berthaume of the ITS PCB Program facilitated an icebreaker exercise in which all participants answered questions about ITS need and status in the curriculum, and their hoped for outcomes of the workshop. Presentations were delivered about existing and emerging products and services from the National Operations Center for Excellence (NOCoE) and Transportation Workforce Centers (TWCs). Kara Chisholm of the ITS PCB Program presented on current job posting. A panel discussion followed on current needs. In the afternoon, participants heard perspectives from public agencies (transit, state, and federal), then private industry, and a panel thus composed on emerging needs. With breakout groups, the participants defined ITS educational needs and presented their findings in a full group discussion. The second day began with a recap of the first and then delved into the array of ITS PCB Academic resources, other ITS PCB resources, ITE‐related activities, and workforce tools such as CV training materials and ITSA State Chapter Workshop Training. Participants shared the approaches, methods, tools, and collaborations they’ve employed to address the educational needs identified in Day 1. After the open discussion and a break, Steve Johnson of HNTB presented on workforce needs in the private sector through the example of the THEA CV Pilot and the role of the Hillsboro Community College partnership. Breakout groups then identified the gaps between current educational capabilities and the workforce need. A brainstorming session served to propose solutions. Each group developed action items as they applied to the ITS Academic/ITS PCB Program, Academia, Professional Associations, and Other Federal Programs. Upon reconvening, action items were discussed by the group and synthesized. Next steps were briefly discussed before Day 2 adjourned. In the afternoon, some of the workshop participants went on a tour of the Virginia DOT Public Safety & Transportation Operations Center (PSTOC).Event Type
Content Type
Best Practice
Publishing Organization
ITS America