Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) is a cross-cutting approach meant to optimize existing infrastructure through better integration, coordination, and systematic implementation of key operational strategies. It offers resources and strategies to: realize the full capacity of the existing transportation system; increase reliability for freight and auto; improve safety and reliability through traffic incident management, traveler information, and work zone management; and, target safety and operational problem locations to deliver performance-driven improvements to the existing system. Iowa’s TSMO Program Plan provides strategic direction, program development, and specific steps for systems management and operations in Iowa. The performance-based plan focuses not only on the performance of the surface transportation system, but also on the strategies and business processes that will help improve overall system performance and safety. Iowa faces challenges associated with the movement of people, goods and services that extend beyond traditional construction and maintenance functions. With projected traffic growth and system demand, advancements in technology, and limitations in funding, there is increasing recognition that Iowa’s transportation system must be managed and operated in a manner responsive to constantly changing conditions. This document is intended to provide guidance and direction to Iowa DOT and public officials responsible for making strategic decisions about effectively managing and operating the transportation system with limited resources to meet the changing conditions and travel demand in Iowa.