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Integrated Ecological Framework Outreach Project


the Integrated Ecological Framework (IEF) was developed as a technical guide to provide a step-by-step process for implementing the Eco-Logical approach (see Figure ES.1). It is the key product of the SHRP 2 C06 project, Integrating Ecological Mitigation to Enhance Efficiency. This C06 IEF Outreach Project Final Report documents outreach activities in support of all the C06 projects and the C21 pilot projects. Chapters 1 and 2 provide background information; the discussion of outreach support activities begins in Chapter 3.

The IEF is primarily intended to support mid- to long-range transportation and infrastructure planning rather than individual project assessment and design. However, by proactively addressing information needs at the regional scale, the IEF supports better project level design, construction, and maintenance.

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