Highway Capacity Manual 2010 (HCM2010)


The fifth edition of the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM2010), which updates HCM2000, will significantly enhance how engineers and planners assess the traffic and environmental effects of highway projects. 

The HCM2010:
• provides an integrated multimodal approach to the analysis and evaluation of urban streets from the points of view of automobile drivers, transit passengers, bicyclists, and pedestrians;
• addresses the proper application of micro-simulation analysis and the evaluation of those results;
• examines active traffic management in relation to both demand and capacity;
• explores specific tools and generalized service volume tables, to assist planners in quickly sizing future facilities;
• and more.

The HCM2010 has been split into four volumes:

Volume 1 – Concepts;
Volume 2 - Uninterrupted Flow;
Volume 3 - Interrupted Flow; and
Volume 4 - Applications Guide (electronic only)

This four-volume format was developed to provide information at several levels of detail, to help HCM users more easily apply and understand the concepts, methodologies, and potential applications presented in the manual.

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