Delivering resources to save time, lives, and money

Freeway Operations; Regional Systems Management and Operations; Managed Lanes 2012


TRB’s Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2278 consists of 20 papers that explore freeway ramp controls, travel time reliability and nonrecurrent congestion, the diverge bottleneck, lane changes, automatic detection of freeway incidents, queue estimation algorithm, the active management screening tool for congestion management, and temporary hard shoulder running.

This issue of the TRR also examines large-scale incidents on urban freeways, managed motorways, accident response time, deploying freeway incident response units, route guidance, integrated corridor management, major freeway closure for repair, variable bridge tolls, I-394 MnPASS express lanes performance, traffic flow modeling on managed lane facility, cross-weave impact on freeways with managed lanes, and traffic characteristics of high-occupancy vehicle facilities.

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