Delivering resources to save time, lives, and money

Freeway Operations; Regional Systems Management and Operations; Managed Lanes 2010


TRB’s Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2178 contains 19 papers that explore freeway incidents and secondary crashes; a heuristic ramp-metering coordination strategy; estimating freeway traffic density with loop detector and probe vehicle data; cascading incident event durations on urban freeways; queue management for metered freeway on-ramps; modeling accident duration and its mitigation strategies; predicting freeway travel time under incident conditions; freeway sensor spacing and probe vehicle penetration; and freeway traffic speed during breakdown and recovery periods.

This issue of the TRR also examines ramp metering in bottlenecks downstream of metered on-ramps; algorithms for systematic tracking of traffic congestion patterns on freeways; impacts of parameters of service patrol operations; estimating traffic incident recovery time; proactive incident management and strategic planning; interoperability for robust interregional transportation system operations; modeling concurrent-flow lanes violations; investigation of single-occupant travelers in high-occupancy vehicle lanes; dynamic toll concept to assess feasibility of high-occupancy vehicle lane; and high-occupancy vehicle lanes to reduce vehicle trips and congestion.


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