Freeway Operations; Regional Systems and Management; Managed Lanes: 2011


TRB’s Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2229 includes 12 papers that explore reliability benefits of ramp metering; quantification of nonrecurrent congestion delay caused by freeway accidents and analysis of causal factors; spatiotemporal patterns of primary and secondary incidents on urban freeways; decomposition of travel time reliability into various sources; queue estimation methods using wireless magnetic sensors; and clearance time of urban traffic accidents in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

This issue of the TRR also examines variable speed limit and coordinated ramp metering, validation techniques for region-level microscopic mass evacuation traffic simulations, the capacity of managed lanes in diverting traffic around an incident, safety benefits from deployment of open road tolling for main-line toll plazas in Florida, operational performance of different types of high-occupancy vehicle facilities in California, and traffic sensor data for high-occupancy toll lanes under various traffic conditions.


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