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DVRPC Transportation Operations Master Plan


The Transportation Operations Master Plan is a component of DVRPC's adopted Long-Range Plan, Connections 2040 Plan for Greater Philadelphia. This document outlines a long-range vision of transportation operations for the DVRPC region. It presents transportation operations goals, objectives, and operational strategies to achieve them. An operations vision establishes a plan of where ITS infrastructure, emergency service patrols, and incident management task forces, should be deployed in the region. A series of plans and programs are identified to accomplish the regional goals and vision. Lastly, a financial analysis was conducted to estimate the costs to
construct, operate, and maintain these projects.

The four major components which comprise the Transportation Operations Master Plan are:

  1. Operations Goals and Objectives
  2. Transportation Operations Vision
  3. Projects and Programs
  4. Financial Plan

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Operations Area of Practice

    Corridor and Arterial Traffic Management
    Active Traffic Management (ATM)
    Travel Demand Management
    Freeway Management
    Regional Traffic Signal Operations & Program Management
    Rural ITS
    Detection Systems
    Real Time Traveler Information
    ITS standards and specifications
    Systems engineering
    Transportation Management Centers (TMC / TOC)
    ITS System architecture

Content Type

State-of-the Practice

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Prime Contractor
Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
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