Corridor-Wide Center-to-Center Communications Study


This study targets I-95 Corridor Coalition participating agencies looking to maintain an exchange of emergency management information to manage their operations when traditional communication means (e.g. landline, wireless and cellular phone) are not available. Generally, the communication system is, in most respects, the least failure prone element of an overall system, but potentially has a high risk of being disrupted in case of emergency situations or catastrophic events, such as terrorist attack, extreme weather, earthquake or hurricane. The communications between Transportation Management Centers (TMCs) or Traffic Control Centers (TCCs) of member agencies; emergency communications between TMCs/TCCs and public safety agencies or emergency management agencies, could be severely disrupted. Currently none of the existing information exchange systems in the I-95 Corridor Coalition systematically provides any emergency communication backup mechanism. The outcome of this study is a series of technical recommendations regarding a C2C communications mechanism to support the I-95 Corridor Coalition information exchange system, which will help participating agencies understand the C2C communication standards and backup mechanism for a stable and reliable information exchange system.

Source Organization Location

College Park

Content Type

Informational Product

Role in Organization

Transportation Planner
Senior Engineer
Principal Engineer
Manager / First Line Supervisor
Director / Program Manager
Maintenance Staff
CEO / GM / Commissioner
Senior Manager
Public Safety Officer
Transit Professional
Associate Engineer
Media / PIO

Publishing Organization

Private Sector Entities

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