AZ Tech Action Plan FY 2016-2017


The AZTech Action Plan is a five-year operations planning document with a near-term focus to help AZTech advance the priority implementation strategies that were identified in the 2015 AZTech Operations Implementation Plan. The Action Plan is owned and driven by the AZTech members, and reflects the current and future priorities of each of the AZTech Committees and Working Groups. Projects and initiatives that are included in this Action Plan are not being assigned or dictated, but instead were those that were selected by an AZTech Committee or Working Group as a priority warranting action. This Action Plan covers the Fiscal Year (FY) 16-17 time period (through June 30, 2017), and will be updated to reflect new activities and initiatives to start in July 2017. The purpose of the Action Plan is to translate the strategies in the Implementation Plan into tangible projects and activities to advance operations priorities identified in the Implementation Plan.

Each project and activity is broken down into specific actions required or suggested inputs for the project and champions from the Committees and Working Groups. The individual project sheets for the FY2016- 2017 Plan are at the end of the document.

Organizational Capability Element

    Performance Management

Role in Organization

Transportation Planner
Senior Engineer
Principal Engineer
Manager / First Line Supervisor
Director / Program Manager
Maintenance Staff
CEO / GM / Commissioner
Senior Manager
Public Safety Officer
Transit Professional
Associate Engineer
Media / PIO
Emergency Manager

Publishing Organization


Document Downloads

Issue Date