AASHTO Connected Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Analysis


This report provides the results of an analysis of the potential approaches for deploying the infrastructure components of Connected Vehicle (CV) systems by state and local transportation agencies, as well as the role of AASHTO. Identifying applications that best serve state and local transportation agencies, five objectives behind CV deployments are considered: improve safety, enhance mobility, reduce the environmental impact of road travel, facilitate electronic payment, and improve agency operational performance.

The deployment scenarios and strategies assume that technologies and events will continue to impact agency operations regardless of intentional decision making, so the focus of the plan is on articulating the needs of the agencies and anticipating the context in which agencies will make specific deployment decisions. A progressive, sequential deployment along a 20-year horizon is presented. It is also assumed that factory-installed DSRC equipment in light and heavy duty vehicles will be mandated by USDOT, likely first appearing in 2019, but that state and local agencies must not rely on such action for the near-term deployment of DSRC equipment. Key deployment scenario activities include the following:

  • Develop a General Concept for Deployment with initial focus on freight, Emergency Vehicle Priority, Transit System Priority, enhanced agency operational activities, and isolated safety applications using DSRC
  • Establish an Information Exchange Forum to monitor USDOT activities, conduct briefings and discussion sessions, and provide advice to USDOT
  • Establish a task force to address the relationship between Connected Vehicle systems and traffic signal control systems
  • Encourage the formation of a collaborative forum between USDOT, Vehicle Infrastructure Integration Consortium (automakers), and AASHTO to explore governance, liability, security, and privacy issues
  • Develop a plan for a Connected Vehicle Education and Outreach Program
  • Establish a task force to begin work on the development of a national footprint plan for DSRC roadside equipment infrastructure
  • Develop policies to encourage AASHTO members to adopt recommended CV freight corridors, migrate existing commercial vehicle screening technologies to DSRC, and support the minimum desired deployment levels of DSRC
  • Provide recommendations on the development of CV Infrastructure Design Guidelines
  • Develop a national funding strategy, collaborating with other partners as appropriate

Source Organization Location


Operations Area of Practice

    Corridor and Arterial Traffic Management
    Active Traffic Management (ATM)
    Travel Demand Management
    Freeway Management
    Regional Traffic Signal Operations & Program Management
    Connected Vehicles
    ITS standards and specifications
    ITS System architecture
    Procurement Approaches
    Standards and Specifications
    Interagency Agreements / Cooperation / MOUs
    Communicating Reliability Information
    Planning for Operations
    Cost / Benefit Analysis
    Freight Management
    Freight Technology and Operations

Organizational Capability Element

    System Architecture / Engineering
    Standards and Interoperability
    Freeway Operations
    Freight Management Operations
    Vehicle Systems/Connected Vehicles
    Testing, Verification & Validation (V&V)
    Arterial Traffic Control Device Operations
    Active Traffic Management/Travel Demand Management/Pricing
    Outreach & Marketing
    Local government/MPO/RTPA cooperation

Content Type

Informational Product

Role in Organization

Senior Engineer
Principal Engineer
Director / Program Manager
Senior Manager

Publishing Organization


Maturity Level of Program

Monitoring (L4)
Deployment (L3)
Development (L2)


Available Tools

Project Website

Prime Contractor
Mixon / Hill
TOM Chapters
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