2012 National Traffic Signal Report Card


The latest national traffic signal assessment conducted by the National Transportation Operations Coalition (NTOC), a group of transportation associations, shows that gradual but steady progress is being made on the management and operation of traffic signals despite continued funding challenges. NTOC released the 2012 National Traffic Signal Report Card with a grade of 69, equivalent to a D+ letter grade, based upon the assessment. The 2012 score is a modest four point improvement over the 2007 result of a D letter grade (65). The effort to improve the Nation’s traffic signal systems is driven by benefits such as reduced fuel consumption and congestion mitigation. Report Card

Agencies are beginning to reorganize, working smarter to focus resources on operations and maintenance, and collaborating regionally to take advantage of distributed expertise and to compete for resources more effectively to improve their capabilities. Management, operations, and maintenance practices that consider agency objectives, capabilities, and resource constraints have great potential to improve the performance of the transportation system.

Grading themselves in five areas, 241 respondents, representing approximately 39 percent of all traffic signals in the United States, completed the self assessment. The results indicate that improvement and investment in traffic signal operations remains critical. Although the overall improvement is small, agencies operating 150 to 450, 450 to 1,000, and more than 1,000 traffic signals, each made gains and have an overall letter grade of C in each category.

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Operations Area of Practice

    Traffic Signal Timing
    Regional Traffic Signal Operations & Program Management
    Business Processes/Policies and Procedures
    TSMO Culture

Organizational Capability Element

    Asset Management
    Performance Management
    Arterial Traffic Control Device Operations

Content Type

State-of-the Practice

Role in Organization

Senior Engineer
Principal Engineer
Director / Program Manager
Maintenance Staff
Senior Manager
Associate Engineer

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Institute of Transportation Engineers
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