Delivering resources to save time, lives, and money

Talking TIM Webinar Series: July 2019


The Talking TIM webinar series brings to your desk the great and varied work happening on the ground and around the country in traffic incident management. Topics touch on issues of relevance for TIM executives, managers, operators, and responders. Be sure to tune in to each session for ideas, tools, and resources to support and advance safe and quick clearance of roadway incidents. The series is sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration in cooperation with the National Operations Center of Excellence. This month's webinar will feature presentations from Texas DOT, Ohio DOT, and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission. Learning Objectives Better understand current TIM practices, technologies, and programs.



Paul Jodoin – Welcome, Introductions, and FHWA Update: Paul is the TIM Program Manager in the FHWA Office of Operations with over 40 years of transportation experience between his state and Federal careers. He will be discussing current future FHWA initiatives to support Traffic Incident Management in an FHWA Update.

David McDonald – Texas TIM Outreach and Program Coordination: David is the Texas DOT Statewide TIM Program Manager. After completing a 25-year career with the Austin, Texas Police Department, David began working with TXDOT about 18 months ago. With the objective to share TIM information between the 6 metro areas in Texas, David spearheaded an effort to hold a bi-monthly webinar with TXDOT TIM program managers. Pre-arranged speakers on TIM topics provide value to participants, and they also have roundtable discussions to share common experiences and problems. The coordination webinars have proven very successful in standardizing diverse TXDOT district operations.

Jim Roth – Ohio Towing and Recovery Incentive Payment (TRIP) Program: Jim is an engineer with the Ohio Department of Transportation, where he has worked for 32 years. His most recent assignment has brought him to managing the Towing and Recovery Incentive Payment (TRIP) Program, and working with TIM and TMC operations in the state as well. Ohio’s TRIP program has been in existence for approximately 6 years and progressed from metro areas in Cleveland and Columbus to its current statewide deployment. TRIP expedites the right resources to incidents, providing monetary incentives for operators arriving within 45 minutes and clearing the road within 90 minutes.

Todd Leiss – Pennsylvania Safety Transportation and Research Track (PennSTART): Todd is the Traffic Incident Management Coordinator for the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission and also helps lead Pennsylvania Traffic Incident Management Enhancement (PennTIME), the Statewide Traffic Incident Management Program. Todd will discuss the Pennsylvania partnership to explore and advance the Pennsylvania Safety Transportation and Research Track (PennSTART), a state-of-the-art training and testing facility to address the transportation safety and operational needs of Pennsylvania and the Mid-Atlantic Region. PennSTART will address safety training and research needs in six key areas: traffic incident management (TIM); tolling and intelligent transportation systems (ITS) technology; work zones; commercial vehicles; transit vehicles; and connected and automated vehicles. As an added value, Todd will provide a brief glimpse into some interesting things that the Turnpike is doing with their Dashboard and Waze data, which will be the topic of a future webinar.

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    Traffic Incident Management

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