Performance measures from the field show that Traffic Incident Management (TIM) improves detection, coordination, and response and clearance times while mitigating responder risk exposure. But how do organizations transform these measures to quantify and monetize the outcomes from TIM? Likewise, how do agencies communicate these benefits to ensure that TIM programs are adequately funded at the national, State, and local level?
The National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) 03-108 project is developing guidance for quantifying and monetizing the outcomes of TIM strategies. In this interactive webinar, the presenters will share the state of practice for estimating TIM outcomes and offer State TIM perspectives for programs with varying levels of development and data collection capabilities. We invite you to share your experiences and future needs in demonstrating the value of TIM programs.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe current methods used to quantify and monetize TIM outcomes along with their levels of effort, complexity, and data needs.
- Share rationale behind why and with what frequency States calculate TIM outcomes, and how they use findings for internal and external communications of program value.
- Explain the basis behind many commonly used assumptions to estimate TIM outcomes.
- Solicit input as to how TIM benefit-cost guidance should be designed and structured.
Cost: Free
Course Credit Requirements: View PDH Policy
Course Credit: 1.5 PDH
Paul Jodoin, Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Program Manager, Office of Transportation Operations, U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Robert Koeberlein, Mobility Services Engineer, Idaho Transportation Department
Mark Demidovich, P.E., Assistant State Traffic Engineer, Traffic Operations, Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT)
Bill Legg, Washington State Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Operations Engineer, Washington State Department of Transportation
Mohammed Raqib, P.E., P.T.O.E., Section Chief, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Planning & Development, Office of Coordinated Highways Action Response Team (CHART) & ITS Development, Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (SHA)
Vaishali Shah, Principal Investigator, Noblis
Target Audience
- Mid-level program managers and analysts engaged in planning and operations of traffic incident management activities; Traffic Management Center (TMC) operators; researchers and consultants involved in the development and application of methods to quantify TIM impacts.
- Those wanting to learn more about the quantification and monetization of TIM benefits.