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Road Weather Spotlight: Hurricane Planning and Solar Eclipse 2024 Debrief


The U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA’s) Office of Operations is collaborating with the National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCoE) to host a bimonthly webinar series on road weather management (RWM). These webinars, called the Road Weather Spotlight Series, align with the mission of the FHWA RWM Program to inform stakeholders and improve highway road weather operations. 

In July 2024, we hosted a debrief on the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse and discuss Hurricane planning.

Speakers include: 

  • Jeremy McGuffey, FHWA Office of Operations
  • Michael McClelland, Emergency Coordinator for FHWA
  • Mike Nichols, Statewide Director of Emergency Planning and Response, Indiana DOT
  • Rahul Sakhare, Transportation Research Engineer, Joint Transportation Research Program (JTRP) at Purdue University 
  • Jairaj Desai, Transportation Research Engineer, JTRP at Purdue University
  • Darcy Bullock, Lyles Family Professor of Civil Engineering at Purdue University, Director of the JTRP

Register for the webinar series here:

All past Road Weather Spotlight Series webinars can be found on the NOCoE YouTube channel:

Operations Area of Practice

    Road Weather Management

Organizational Capability Element

    Road Weather Management

Event Type

Issue Date