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Key Findings from TRB 2024 Workshop 1004: Preparing, Conducting, and Summarizing the Results – Assessing Traffic Management Systems


This workshop identified practices that may help agencies improve TMS capabilities and performance. Breakout discussion groups defined opportunities for TMSs to meet the objectives, performance expectations, and desired functions of their agency, other agencies, service providers, and customers. This web page shares information supporting the preparation and execution of a TMS assessment, assessing TMS capabilities and performance, and identifying TMS improvement opportunities.

Workshop Overview and Agenda


Workshop framing presentations:

Workshop co-sponsors:

  • ITS Committee (ACP15)
  • TRB Freeway Operations Committee (ACP20)
  • TRB Traffic Signal Systems Committee (ACP25)
  • TRB Joint Subcommittee on Active Traffic Management (ACP 20-5)
  • TRB Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computing Applications Committee (AED50)
  • TRB Regional Transportation Systems Operation (RTSMO) Committee ACP 10)
  • Traffic Management Center Pooled Fund Study
  • American Association of Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Committee on Transportation System Operations ITS Work Group
  • International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association (IBTTA)
  • European Association of Operators of Toll Road Infrastructures (ASECAP)
  • ERTICO Innovation Platform Traffic Management 2.0 Work Group

This workshop built on the topics explored during the 2023 TRB workshop, “Setting a Strategic Direction for Agency Traffic Management Systems.”

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