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Connected Work Zones: Mapping Toolchain Overview


The Crash Avoidance Metrics Partners (CAMP) LLC, working in collaboration with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), recently developed a suite of software products referred to as the RSZW / Work Zone Software Toolchain for use in a connected vehicle (CV) environment. This toolchain is intended to be a resource to assist state and local DOTs in creating the information needed to describe lane configurations of work zones and other areas with reduced speed or lane drops. This information is used to populate infrastructure-to-vehicle (I2V) messages broadcast by the roadside to support in-vehicle warning systems. This toolchain is now available for agencies to download and use through a ‘click-through’ license at the following address: - under the software/tools tab. On November 22, 2019 from 1:00-2:30 ET there will be a webinar introducing the software toolchain and encouraging state and local DOTs to download, test, and use the toolchain. It is important to note that this outreach and circulation is part of the testing and verification process. The goal is for as many DOTs to test the software as possible in order to understand what works well and what needs improvement. The software is not being described as a final product, but rather a work in progress that is ready for wider use, testing, and feedback.

Learning Objectives

To introduce the industry to the availability of the software toolchain and logistics of how to access and use the tool. To encourage the testing and use of the software in order to provide feedback and input to the developers and the CAT Coalition. To ultimately understand the potential use of the software to support state and local DOTs in creating work zone data to support connected work zones.

Targeted Audience

State and local DOTs, as well as researchers, consultants, and vendors active in Cooperative Automated Transportation


  • Dean Deeter, Athey Creek Consultants
  • Todd Peterson, FHWA
  • Jay Parikh, CAMP
  • Robert Brydia, TTI
  • Larry Head, University of Arizona
  • Collin Castle, Michigan DOT


Operations Area of Practice

    Work Zone Management

Organizational Capability Element

    Work Zone Management

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Senior Engineer
CEO / GM / Commissioner
Associate Engineer

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