HSIP is a core Federal-aid highway program aimed at significantly reducing traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads. HSIP funds are administered by State departments of transportation (DOT); eligible projects include those that are consistent with a State’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP), are data-driven, and contribute to a reduction in fatalities and serious injuries. Nationwide, State DOTs typically receive over $2.4 billion in HSIP funding annually to implement highway safety improvement projects. Among many uses, states can use HSIP funds for a variety of work zone-related activities (e.g., installing guardrails, barriers, and crash attenuators, traffic enforcement activities related to work zone safety). While some states use HSIP funds for work zone purposes, many State DOTs do not tap into this resource. Out of the more than 4,000 HSIP projects referenced in the 2016 HSIP National Summary Report, only 13 were work zone-related projects.