Accessing Information about Transportation Systems Management and Operations Performance Measurement


In December 2014, the National Academies of Sciences (NAS) awarded to Florida Atlantic University (FAU) a research contract NCHRP 20-07/Task 366, under the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP). Under this contract, the FAU research team and the subcontractors, working closely with the research panel developed a “Framework for Accessing Information about Transportation Systems Management and Operations Performance Measurement.” The research contract funded research activities for the period of February 12, 2015 to December 31, 2015. The research team for the NCHRP Project 20-07/Task includes Dr. Aleksandar Stevanovic (Florida Atlantic University), Mr. Michael Pack, Mr. Mark Hallenbeck (University of Washington) and Dr. Lily Elefteriadou. This document, a draft of the final report, includes deliverables from the three Memorandums which have already been submitted. More precisely, this final draft contains the proposed Information Organization Framework (IOF)1 with the embedded list of categories to classify/filter various performance measurements from the most relevant and most recent literature2. In addition, this final draft of the report describes the problems and opportunities for practitioner(s) who adopt the specific performance measurements according to federal rulemaking under MAP-21 legislation3. The goal of this provisional submittal is to allow the panel to serve as a resource to this project by assisting the research team in validating the proposed work structure and the depth of the contents. Moreover, successful completion of this project depends on the suggestions and comments from the panel and key stakeholders. For direct feedback, the research team will organize and coordinate a teleconference to present and discuss this technical report with the panel.

Operations Area of Practice

    Adaptive Signal Control Technology
    Corridor and Arterial Traffic Management
    Active Parking Management
    Travel Demand Management
    Traffic Signal Timing
    Ramp Metering
    Transit Operations

Organizational Capability Element

    Integrated Corridor Management
    Freight Management Operations
    Roadway Geometric Design
    Arterial Traffic Control Device Operations
    Active Traffic Management/Travel Demand Management/Pricing

Content Type

Case Studies & Lessons Learned

Role in Organization

Senior Engineer
Principal Engineer
Director / Program Manager
CEO / GM / Commissioner
Associate Engineer

Publishing Organization

SHRP2 Program



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Prime Contractor
Dr Aleksandar Stevanovic, Mr. Michael Pack , Mr. Mark Hallenbeck , Dr. Lily Elefteriodou
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